Saturday, May 5, 2012

Opening of Fishing

   Good evening! This weekend my husband went fishing since it is the
opening of fishing here. He goes away every year at this time. I am
spending the weekend at home with my daughter, her husband, and my
nephew and his wife who are visiting. It's a nice change of pace.
   Last weekend I was hospitalized again with flu like symptoms. I was
told it was a severe electrolyte imbalance which can be life threatening.
Life is so fragile.  I am glad that this weekend I can enjoy spending time
with family. We have already shared a few dozen laughs.
   Today, I have a special intention for a loved one. God knows his heart
even when he is struggling. Please pray that he is filled and guided by the
holy spirit daily. I also pray that he will soon find a job in the field he
graduated in: market research and research analysis. It has been hard on
many with the struggling economy.

Thanks and God Bless!