Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Being Challenged by the Evil One

   The phantom pain I suffered this past week is beyond comprehension. No amount of
pain medication  would relieve the pain I felt. This is a result of the internal burning that
consumed my whole body when reacting to an iv antirejection drug. According to the
doctors at Mayo in Rochester Minnesota and the Doctor who did my above the knee
amputations at Regions Burn Center in Minnesota,this was all uncharted territory.
Doctor's who practiced for more then 30 years say they never seen anything like this.
   If you have not read the first book Walk On I would encourage you to do so. I have
medical photos in the book. I debated about doing this, but without the pictures you
can't begin to understand the miracle. In the pictures I'm clinically dead.
   Once the family got there my husband refused to let them take me off life support.
He told the Doctor's they didn't know me, my faith or determination. I was brain dead.
All organs failed and I bleed out having a blood count of 3,when it should of been 12
to 14 pints. They did 16 blood transfusions and then stopped. Prayer vigils were held
around the clock and on the 30th day I began to come out of the coma. 
   This is when the journey began. I know Jesus would of taken me but I wanted to
glorify God by writing the book Walk On. My fingers and hands and left ear were
suppose to fall off; amazingly they healed. Once again no one can even imagine this
without  looking at the pictures. My body is scarred but not my face, hands, or arms.
God is good!!
   Now after that long explanation the phantom pain comes from the burnt and severed
nerve endings. My legs and feet feel like they are still there. My feet will feel like I'm
stepping on hot coals and at times I can feel them sawing the legs off. All I can do is
close my bedroom door and cry and scream for hours. My husband will come in when
he can't stand it anymore. I reassure him there is nothing he can do.

   This pain I offer up as a human sacrifice. Some people think I'm nuts when I talk like
this, but I need to justify this in my own mind. It's never lasted a week and I really don't
know if or when I will crack. Let's give glory to God, enjoy the moment, and live for

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